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iPhone 7 Review!

By now most of the iPhone 7 reviews have been over but mine is still yet to be done, so here is my review for the iPhone 7.

The iPhone 7 is definitely not an innovation its perfection of a phone type Apple created 3 years ago. Many people don't like the fact that Apple didn't change the casing and I agree. Design changes don't need to happen but it is getting a little boring. I think Apples iPhones are kind of slowing in technology a little while Samsung and other competitors are making great strides. If Apple had released this phone last year it would have easily been the best phone of the year by a mile but that didn't happen. So it sounds like I'm being negative about this phone but no. The iPhone 7 is still one of the top 3 smartphones of the year, alongside the google pixel and the Samsung galaxy s7 edge. So here I will tell you what I love the most about the iPhone 7.

Firstly I love the speed of this phone. This phone is so fast its not even funny. Of course android phones can have a smooth operating system, but app loading time, multitasking, and everything else is just so fast. You can't go wrong with it, and it does stutter maybe once every 4 days but its so fast and reliable. Also iPhones tend to not lose speed over time so its very future proof.

Next I love the speakers. They get really loud and they come towards you so it may not be as good as front facing speakers but its a really good pair of speakers on a phone this size.

Maybe one thing thats really got me well is the home button. The home button is now a solid state button and its very responsive. Ive gotten used to it now and I can not go back to the old style home button anymore. You can change the degree of the press from 1 to 3 where 1 is gentle and 3 is a pretty massive press. I chose 1 because I like the subtle vibration it gives you when you push it but it could sometimes be hard to know how hard you're pressing if you have the phone on a table. Ive activated siri a couple of times when I only wanted to push the multitasking button.

This is kind of just personal preference but I really like the new black colour introduced. I think it looks better than the iPhone 7 jet black and also it doesn't scratch. Its one way to have people notice you have the new iPhone as well.

There are other new features like water resistance and the lack of the headphone jack which isn't really a feature but... Overall I think the iPhone 7 is a pretty safe play by Apple. Its a great smartphone, but I wouldn't recommend people who have 6s to upgrade. Overall there could be some improvements but I'm waiting for the ten year anniversary iPhone 8.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

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