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Thoughts on the loss of headphone jack...

So its been a day or so since I started to use the iPhone 7. As we all know, the iPhone 7 does not have a headphone jack. I have a few things to say about this lack of I/O and so here they are.

Firstly I would like to address my thoughts before I got the phone itself. I already had plans to get bluetooth headphones so until then I told myself to cope with the lack of the headphone jack. Now that I have it, my thoughts have changed a little. The biggest problem I have faced is the fact that the iPhone 7 lighting earphones don't work with my MacBook. So I resulted into using the dongle. Except when I tried to watch the big bang theory on my iPad while it was charging I had to use the 3.5mm headphone jack. So I had to find out a place to put the dongle so I wouldn't lose it. It all got really complicated. Things are a lot simpler with bluetooth obviously because you don't need any cable, but if you have headphones you like, then you may see some problems regarding the dongle.

A lot of people now have bluetooth headphones or earphones. Yet many people still use wired headphones so its obvious Apple wants people to move to bluetooth. People will adapt to it, and I'm sure a lot of the phones that come out next year will not have a headphone jack. I'm sure people wont have a big fuss about it like they did with the iPhone 7, but in a years time we will not be talking about how annoying it is to not have a headphone jack anymore.

So what are your thoughts on the loss of the headphone jack? I'm OK with it. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

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