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What's up with the Galaxy note 7?

So by now you would've definitely heard about arguably the worst stuff up yet in the mobile phone industry, the explosions of the Galaxy note 7. Samsung did a full recall last month as the battery failures had caused 100 explosions. Now in the past phones have had problems such as the antenna gate with the iPhone 4. This time it's explosions and yeah Samsung did stuff things up. This is very unfortunate because although I think most people would probably go for the s7 edge instead, the note 7 is one of the if not the best android phone of the year.

Now that it has been a while since the recall Samsung has started to supply replacement units but recently a man on an airplane that was powering down his note 7 started to see smoke coming out of it and then it caught on fire. Believe it or not the man says that phone was a replaced unit of the note 7. The replaced unit has been having some trouble back in Samsung's home ground Korea where people have been talking about battery issues such as severe battery drainage. All 4 major US carriers are now offering anybody with a note 7 to replace their phone with any phone they wish, such as the LG v20 or the iPhone 7 plus. This is terrible for a product, and if Samsung is going to do another recall it's probably best for them to just halt the sales of the phone. This is really unfortunate as it's one of the best phones out there now. AT&T is even considering to stop selling the note 7 in their stores.

So what does this mean? Well not good news certainly for Samsung, and apparently they're gonna release the S8 earlier this time but I don't think thats a good idea seen as the note 7 was released a month earlier to beat the punch line to the iPhone 7 plus but that obviously backfired majorly. The leaked rumours of the Samsung galaxy s8 are compelling, and we will have to wait and see what they're gonna do there to cover up the mess they have made in 2016. For now though, if you have a note 7 I think the chances of anything bad happening is low for you but it can happen to you, and anyone so I would suggest to replace your phone with something else, at least for now until things are cleared up. Any feature on the Galaxy note 7 is not worth the health damage it can cause.

Please let me know what you think about this incident below, but for now thanks for reading!

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